![DSC_6982 Проф.д-р милорад Јовановски 13x18](Проф.д-р-милорад-Јовановски-13x18-255x357.jpg)
Professor Milorad Jovanovski, PhD, is a member of the Chair of Geotechnics. In 1988 he graduated at the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Shtip, Macedonia. In 1993 he got a Master’s diploma at the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade, Serbia, and he obtained his PhD in 2001 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje, Macedonia. In the undergraduate program he teaches the following courses: Engineering Geology on the study program of Civil Engineering; Applied Hydrogeology, Geotechnical Research, Rock Improvement аnd Rock Mechanics on the study program of Geotechnics. In the postgraduate program he teaches the following courses: Landslides and Stability of Slopes, Risk Assessment in Geotechnics, Geotechnics in Environmental Protection, Engineering Rock Mechanics on the study program of Geotechnics, as well as Geotechnics in Environmental Protection on the study program of Environmental Engineering and Resources. In the doctoral program he teaches the courses: Geotechnical Modeling and Engineering Rock Mechanics on the study program of Civil Engineering.