![DSC_6186-Проф.д-р Лазо Димов](Проф.д-р-Лазо-Димов-255x383.jpg)
Professor Lazo Dimov, PhD, is a member of the Chair of geodesy. He graduated at the Faculty of Civil Engineerng in Belgrade, Serbia in 1985 where he also got his Master’s diploma in 1993. He obtained his PhD in 2001 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje. In the undergraduate program he teaches the following courses: “Photogrammetry”, “Engineering Geodesy”, “Geodetic metrology” and “Geodetic Practice 2” on the study program of Geodesy. In the postgraduate program he teaches the following courses: “Selected chapters of photogrammetry”, “Digital photogrammetry”, “Remote detection”, “The use of geodesy in engineering” and “Industrial geodesy” on the study program of Geodesy.