The FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING is the oldest Technical Faculty in the country founded in 1949 and integral part of the biggest University in Republic of Macedonia, University “Ss. CYRIL AND METHODIUS”.
The Celebrity day of the Faculty is 6 of October, as a day when the first lessons are given to the students in a Civil Engineering Department at the amphitheatre of the Technical Faculty in 1949.
The official act of foundation is printed in the document of the Government of the Public Republic Macedonia in Official Gazette of NR Macedonia No. 34 from 28.12.1950. With this act the Technical Faculty is foundered with two Departments, Civil Engineering and Architecture.
Later, the prevalent Technical Faculty reformed itself with and Law for foundation into several separate technical faculties, as the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Electro-Mechanical Faculty and Faculty for Technology and Metallurgy. This is defined with Act of Department of Social Republic of Macedonia from 30.6.1965 (Official Gazette of SRM No. 27/1965).
After that, with the Act for Foundation No. 03-660/1 from 22.04.1975, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Faculty of Architecture acts as two separated self-governed faculties.
At that time, three courses existed: structural, hydro-technical and course of roads and railways. Latter the course of organizing and mechanizing in civil engineering was established.
Studies of geodesy started in 1978, and from the begging they lasted five semesters. Studies for geotechnics were activated during 2005.
Today, Faculty it is respected institution for high education of students in civil engineering, geodesy and geotechnics with related disciplines. The main goal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering is to provide best quality in a high education of the young engineers. In that sense, the Faculty continuously innovate the studying programs according to the contemporary scientific achievements, as well as to the methods and tools for performance of the teaching process. On the basis of the Law of high education and the documents of the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, appropriate modifications of the study programs and studying regime were performed in agreement with European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Starting from September 2013, all study programs will be according to the ECTS model 3+2+3.
For the first tree (3) years in a first study cycle (undergraduate studies) the following courses are offered:
– Civil Engineering
– Geodesy
– Geotechnical engineering
For the next (2) years in a second study cycle (postgraduate studies) the following courses are offered:
– Civil Engineering, Structural engineering
– Civil Engineering, Hydrotechnical engineering
– Civil Engineering, Transport infrastructure
– Geodesy – Geotechnical engineering – Land management
The undergraduate studies last six semesters (180 credits), postgraduate studies, for master level, last additional four semesters (120 credits).
Doctoral studies in Civil Engineering with several modules started in 2011 and last additional six semesters (180 credits).
Detailed information about the studying regime and the lectures can be obtained at this web-site and by the vice-dean for lectures.
The lectures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering are coordinated by 41 professors (full, associated and assistant professors), 11 assistants, and honorary assistants (students from master and doctoral studies).
The Faculty has 2 amphitheatres and 17 classrooms with area of 1700 m2 in total. Beside that, seven laboratories with 1400 m2 in total are used for a practical education. Library with more than 16000 titles and journals is available for the students. The educational process at the Faculty uses contemporary software packages for calculation and design, as well as appropriate computer programs for graphic design and electronic presentation of the technical documentation. Therefore, two classrooms are well equipped with computers and servers. The complete computational net at the Faculty has wireless internet connection. The web page of the Faculty of Civil Engineering is regularly updated and offers all the necessary information. Among the all, lectures are presented in electronic form and available for download.
Parallel to the education as its basic activity, the Faculty also develops scientific research and practical expertise in the fields of civil engineering, geodesy and geotechnical engineering. Apart from the theoretical lectures, the students have opportunity to closely get acquainted with the buildings in construction, geodetically and geotechnical problems in the practice, as well as with the characteristic and unique buildings in our country and abroad. Therefore, the Faculty continuously organizes practical tuition and scientific journeys, seminars, workshops, students’ conferences etc. The Faculty of the Civil Engineering always warms towards its students and engineers. Therefore, the collaboration between the Faculty and the economy, industry and the civil engineering institutions is very fruitful.
A Fund for scholarships for the best students is formed as a form of the collaboration with the civil engineering companies. These scholarships are additional motivation and stimulation for the students.
The Student Parliament at the Faculty of the Civil Engineering is most important form of our organization, where the students can give all ideas for improvement of the study process and Faculty development.
Dear students, in the future time, you should take advantage of your potentials and achieve the necessary knowledge, skills and proficiency which will provide you quality and effective performance of the professional tasks and good reputation in the society. Undoubtedly, a part of your youthfulness will pass here and with us. The youthfulness is
very expensive to waste it. Use your time for collective work and friendship. The Faculty motto is that in the history remains only the one which built up and the one which connect the people.
Your choice is an extra-ordinary profession, profession for self-confident people, profession that sometimes requires smart and courageous decisions. This profession offers you a great opportunity: your creations will remain as permanent landmarks in the space and the time of your action.